Ram Navmi folk song by Malini Awasthi, with Lyrics

राजा दसरथ जी के घरवा, आज जनमें ललनवा जनमें ललनवा, जी जनमें ललनवा. Celebrating Ram Navmi with Padmashree Malini Awasthi ji at Rishikesh, Parmarth Ashram

12 August, 2017

Peacocks, Birdwatching for Urban birds in Lucknow, India

peahens india (1)

I clicked this picture from my balcony in Lucknow, last winter. Peacocks and peahens don’t mind our home in the dense green surroundings. They sit on my rooftop at times, and even come to feed on the roti served for birds that are more frequent

02 November, 2014

    Means and ends