Krishna and Shiva

Q: Dear Guruji, is Shiva consciousness and Krishna consciousness the same? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, yes, they’re same. Krishna consciousness is a little naughtier, that’s it. When it is silent, it is Shiva consciousness. When it is active,

18 November, 2011

God is one but the names are many, forms are many

God is one but the names are many, forms are many. Shiva-Shakti, both are one. Ardhanarishwara is one; half woman and half man, Hari hara is not two it is just one; half is Hara and the other half is Hari. Everything is one and there is only one God

21 October, 2011

Radha Krishna lila, Sri Banke Bihari ke sawaiya, 50 of 144

५०. हेलो री मैं लख्यो आजु को खेल बखान कहां लौ करे मत मोरी। राधे के सीस पै मोर पखा मुरली लकुटी कटि में पट डोरी॥ बेनी विराजत लाल के भाल ओ चूनर रंग कसूम में बोरी। मान के मोहन बैठि रहे सो मनावति श्री वृषभान किसोरी॥५०॥

25 November, 2010

Raskhan ke dohe, Sri Banke Bihari ke sawaiya, 48 of 144

चित्र लिखी सी भई सब देह न वैन कढ़ै मुख दीन्हें दुहाई। कैसी करूं जित जाऊं तितै सब बोलि उठैं वह बांवरी आई॥४८॥ Meaning of this sawaiya verse by Raskhan My eyes have been arrested by the all attractive sight of Krishna :-) On seeing Krishna,

25 October, 2010

Sri Banke Bihari ji ke sawaiya, 44 of 144

केहि पापसों पापी न प्राण चलैं अटके कित कौन विचारलयो। नहिं जानि परै ‘हरिचन्द’ कछू विधि ने हमसों हठ कौन ठयो॥

07 October, 2010

Swami Haridas’s Ashtadash Sidhant, Verse 5, Raga Vilaaval

तुम्हारी माया बाजी विचित्र पसारी, मोहे मुनि सुनि भुले काके कोड़। कहें श्री हरिदास हम जीते, हारे तुम, तो‍उ न तोड़॥५॥ Sri Haridas says, ‘O, Hari, I am competing with you. There is none who can mess up things more than me, and there is none who can

30 September, 2010

Twin wings – joy and sorrow