Everyday Kolam Rangoli in chalk, design 33

Daily kolam rangoli design in chalk

How to make this kolam rangoli? Begin at the center with a 4-cornered basic pattern. Double the line. Superimpose a bigger 4-cornered pattern. Add a pink cosmos flower in the center. Follow your eyes and copy

20 January, 2012

Daily kolam rangoli in chalk, design 32


Starting with a curly center, keep moving and close the circle. Lines in between. Tendril pattern. Pointed-petal whirl, double-line. Peacock feather inside petal. Peacock feather in successive whirl. Close with three lines in the outermost whirl.

20 January, 2012

Everyday Kolam Rangoli in chalk, Design 31

daily kolam rangoli design in chalk

This rangoli starts with a triangle in the center. Another triangle to make a star. Double the line lines around the star. Twin leaves come next. Flower petals in a double line. Tendrils in the center of the petals. Leaves with double outline,

20 January, 2012

Kannada Rajyotsav special Art of living part 2 course at Bangalore Ashram