God is the power due of which everything happens

Q: Why God? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Why not God? Why would you ask this question if there was no God. What will you say if a wave questions the existence of God? A wave exists because of the presence of ocean. Because of whose presence you are

07 June, 2010

Hari Sundar Nand Mukunda – Art of Living bhajan by Rishi Nityapragya

Lyrics of bhajan: Hari Sundar Mukunda, Hari Narayan Om हरि सुंदर नंद मुकुंदा हरि नारायण ॐ हरि केशव, हरि गोविंदा, हरि नारायण हरि ॐ वनमाली, मुरली धारी, गोवर्धन गिरिवर धारी नित नित कर माखन चोरी, गोपी मन भाये

31 May, 2010

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Birthday Special Courses, 13th May 2010

Art of Living Courses celebrating Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji’s birthday, 13th May 2010 Advanced Meditation, Part II course with Rishi Vidyadharji at Ahmedabad. Contact: 9913013670 DSN (Divya Samaj Nirman) course with Anand Rajendran ji at Delhi.

27 April, 2010

    Guru bhajan lyrics, Mera antar timir mitao, sadguru jyot se jyot jalao