First of all learn to remain happy

Self realization is the ultimate goal of life. First of all learn to remain happy from within and serve the society and feel the connection with the divine. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

20 November, 2011

How to overcome impure thoughts

Above the Clouds

By Japa, fasting, charity and selfless service, you can easily destroy the impurities of the complex mind. The evil thoughts, for lack of attention and by the pressure of good thoughts, will die a natural death.

04 June, 2010

Selfishness veils understanding


Even if a man has a tinge of selfishness, he cannot find out what is right and wrong. A very pure, subtle sharp intellect is needed for this purpose, besides destroying selfishness

02 June, 2010

How to Eliminate negative thoughts

Eliminate negative thoughts

When an evil thought harasses the mind, the best method of conquering it is by ignoring it. How can we ignore an evil thought? By forgetting it. How can we forget? By not indulging in it again, and also by not brooding over it. How can we prevent

03 February, 2010

Godliness I have seen


Yes, God I have not seen,but godliness I have seen. Such a being becomes for us visible God. God reveals Himself through the Guru.

31 December, 2009

Prayer for meditation, May all be happy.

Cat's eye.

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinaha Sarve Santu Niramayah Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu Mas Kaschid Dhuka Bhag Bhavet Sanskrit to English Translation Sarve-all; bhavantu-may be; sukhinah-happy; niramayah-free from disease;

10 September, 2009

    A mistake is a mistake, not mine or his