Choosing health…

Be able to digest life experiences, extracting the parts that are nourishing and releasing those aspects that are not

03 September, 2009

Detox regimen with attention to food

avoid processed food

Avoid refrigerated, processed, artificially colored, canned and chemically preserved foods as far as you can. They increases ama or toxic undigested matter in the physiology, tax the body's agni or digestive fire, lack vitality and do not stimulate

01 September, 2009

Mahamrityunjai mantra, lyrics and video

Mahamritunjai mantra, Sanskrit text, Shiva

Chanting of the Mahamrityunjai mantra is recommended for a healthy body and mind. It is said to ward off untimely death by accidents or illness. Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh has recommended chanting the mantra on one's birthday for a minimum of

28 June, 2009

Just one breath- BKS Iyengar

In Hatha Yoga Pradipika they say that the mind is the king of the senses and the breath is the king of the mind. And if the nerves, nervous system which is about 6,000 miles in our system has a rhythmic vibration then that rhythmic vibration of

22 February, 2009

Dirt for health?

Dr. Ruebush, the “Why Dirt Is Good” author, does not suggest a return to filth. But she correctly points out that bacteria are everywhere: on us, in us and all around us. Most of these micro-organisms cause no problem, and many, like the

28 January, 2009

Access creative genius with a quiet mind

Slence ur mind

People who know how to cultivate quiet mind not only are in touch with their inner creativity, they also radiate a youthfulness and optimism that effects everyone nearby. They have "good vibrations."

03 January, 2009

Ayurveda for anti-aging

As the Buddha warned, ‘The mind is everything; what you think, you become.’ Sad, fearful, angry thoughts sink into the smriti (memory) of the cell and damage its natural, healing intelligence and skills.

12 September, 2008

Yamunashtak by Vallabhacharya - Sanskrit text