Simple chalk rangoli design25

Chalk pattern for Rangoli

Using blue and green chalk sticks (moistened with water before drawing) I first made a small circle in the center.

12 January, 2012

Star based Kolam Rangoli in Fevicryl paint


This is the ultimate in simplicity. Using a 6 number rounded brush and a bottle of lemon yellow acrylic paint (Fevicryl in this case), I started at the center with an upward pointing small triangle. A reverse triangle superimposed on the previous

12 January, 2012

Why do I feel fearful when I watch a horror movie

Q: Why do I feel fearful when I watch a horror movie. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Stop watching it. The music and the whole episode is created for fear. So thank the creator of the serial.

22 October, 2011

The meeting point of religions – Dalai Lama