The material and spiritual

money is a reality and a part of the spiritual business, however, the way you can tell if someone is really dedicated to the dharma is how they spend any monies they have received

26 September, 2008

Taking a Tea tour in the Himalayas

Makaibari tea estate, Kurseong

Makaibari (91-354-233-0181; charges 750 rupees a person a night or 1,400 rupees for two, all meals included. Reservations can be made through its Calcutta office (91-33-2287-8560). Homestays with Makaibari workers can also be

25 September, 2008

Cheers to Grape juice for health

Ayurvedic wines like Draksha-aristha use grape juice as their base. Grape juice can help avert heart disease.

24 September, 2008

Interview excerpts: Birju Maharaj

Pundit Brij Mohan Misra, better known as Kathak guru Birju Maharaj, has pursued Lucknow gharana of Kathak in its purest form as it was handed down to him through the generations. Excerpts from an interview

23 September, 2008

Ayurveda beckons visitors to Kerala

Canoeing in backwaters of Kerala

So far, foreigners make up a small fraction of the visitors to Kerala. For example, 515,808 foreign tourists visited Kerala in 2007, compared with about 6.64 million domestic tourists. Even then, foreign visitors have increased by about 20 percent

22 September, 2008

Living gods of Tamil Nadu

Elephant carved out of a monolithic structure at Mahabalipuram. Built Circa 600 AD

Many of Tamil Nadu’s residents see the state as a repository of “pure” Hindu culture. In many ways, it is a country within a country, proudly preserving its ancient Dravidian culture, most noticeably in the widespread use of the Tamil language.

22 September, 2008

Bubbles in a sea of consciousness

Any belief system that segregates cannot be a spiritual path. If we are unanimous in the belief that the Creator is One, He cannot be partial to any one clan or sect.

15 September, 2008

Ayurvedic spa and panchkarma

At the heart of Ayurveda is panchakarma, carried out using a mix of massage, plant medicines and the application of steam, oils and purgatives to cleanse the system of toxic 'ama'. Clearing out this old matter, it’s claimed, removes the cause of

15 September, 2008

Nature, the divine connection

Divine nature

Divine feelings generated by experiences close to nature compel one to ponder over the meaning of life and our place in the universe. This creates in us the urge to become one with the Divine to experience eternal bliss.

13 September, 2008

What it is to be in Ladakh

There’s an oft-quoted Ladakhi saying, or should I say, warning: Anyone whose head is in the sun and feet are in the shade in Ladakh will endure both heatstroke and frostbite at the same time. You’d do well to heed it.

13 September, 2008

A poem by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji