Always with me now

I never miss you all when I am away, because inwardly you are always with me now, and will be forevermore. Whether we are living here or pass through the portals of death, we shall always be together in God. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda

12 June, 2014

The Guru’s sole purpose

When one has found his Guru, there should be unconditional devotion to him, because he is the vehicle of God. The Guru’s sole purpose is to bring the disciple to Self- Realization; the love a Guru receives from a devotee is given by the Guru to God.

09 June, 2014

There is only one Reality

It is because God wants you that I am here with you, calling you to come Home, where my Beloved is, where Krishna and Christ, and Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteshwarji and the other saints are. “Come,” the Lord is saying, “they are all rejoicing

05 June, 2014

If all the Gods are wroth

O my Guru! If all the Gods are wroth, and yet thou art satisfied with me, I am safe in the fortress of thy pleasure. And if all the Gods protect me by the parapets of their blessings, and yet I receive not thy benediction, I am an orphan, left to

02 June, 2014

I want to ply my boat…

I want to ply my boat, many times, Across the gulf-after –death, And return to earth's shores from my home in Heaven. I want to load my boat With those waiting, thirsty ones who are left behind, And carry them by the opal pool of iridescent joy

30 May, 2014

    Richard Bach, Illusions, quote 13