Sri Lingashtak by Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya - Sanskrit text and Translation

Shree Lingashtakam is a poem composed of eight verses in praise of Shiva by sixteenth century Pushtimarg Acharya Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya. Sanskrit text...
Lingashtak Sanskrit text

English Translation

1.     I bow before that Sadashivalinga, which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu, and  other gods; which is hailed by pure words and which destroys the cycle of birth and death.

2.     I bow before that Sadashivalinga worshipped by the gods and sages; that form (of  Shiva) which burnt Cupid, and subdued the ego of Ravana, and of infinite compassion.

3.     I bow before that Sadashivalinga,  smeared with various perfumes, which uplifts the intellect, and which is worshipped by the Siddhas, the Devas, and the Asuras.

4.     I bow before that Sadashivalinga, decorated with various ornaments, studded with varieties of gems and rubies, and  glows with the lord of snakes coiled around, and of the form of the destroyer of Daksha's sacrifice.

5.     I bow before that Sadashivalinga, decorated with saffron and sandal-paste, which is adorned with lotus garlands, and which destroys all accumulated sins (over several births)

6.     I bow before that Sadashivalinga, worshipped by gods with sincere devotion, and whose brilliance is like that of crores of suns.

7.     I bow before that Sadashivalinga, which stands on the eight petals; which is the cause of all creation; and which can destroy the eight aspects of poverty.

8.     I bow before that Sadashivalinga, which is worshipped by the devas and their gurus with flowers from the divine gardens; which is the Transcendent Being and the Supreme Self.



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