God as First, second and third person

God as First, second and third person- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The theologians address God as He but in prayer you use the 2nd person, and in theory you use 3rd person. In prayer 3rd person does not help. You have to come to 2nd person and in experience of truth you come to 1st person. Experience of God brings you to the 1st person…”I AM.”

He is one with no experience.
You is when praying you begin to be a disciple.
I AM is one who has perfected………??

In the west people are scared to use the 1st person. They are comfortable using only the 3rd person and occasionally the 2nd.
In many cultures (Islam) using even the 1st person is considered a blasphemy. Whereas in the east all the three persons are used and the goal of the 3rd and 2nd person is to reach the 1st.
1st person cannot become a concept but an experiential reality.
3rd person can be a concept. 2nd – a mystical and devotional experience and 1st person dawns as reality.

Prayer cannot happen without 2nd person and Samadhi is impossible without 1st person.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


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