What is a Panchayat?

Vishalakshi Mandap Art of Living

You know our ancient people said Panchayat. It’s a very beautiful concept of Panchayat. All cases would be solved right there. In Panchayat, there are five types of people.

One who analyzes the past, another one who gives direction to the future, third one maintains the equanimity and the fourth one who adds some humour in the situation and fifth one some compassion. The Panch devatas.

These are four type of people we find in society, those who are very sharp and very creative, like the Sun, those who just maintain and manage like Vishnu and those bring transformation and drastic change like Shiva and those who adds some humour and lightness to the air, like Ganesha and the Devi, the ladies who also should be part of every Panchayat because the lady brings her own angle of compassion. So when these five people used to sit, they used to solve all the problems.

~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji


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