How to know whether the person is enlightened.

If somebody is going to help you, simply your heart will fall in tune with you. If it falls in tune with him, even if he is not enlightened, he will help you. You will be helped by him.

22 June, 2009

The Spiritual Significance of Ramzan

descending light

Giving up the physical food during daylight symbolises that the faster is dead to the world. During the daylight hours only the world is visible. Thus the act of taking food at night symbolises the act of the Yogi by which he closes himself to the

11 June, 2009

Intellectual gymnastics are necessary at first


All these intellectual gymnastics are necessary at first. We must not go blindly into anything. The Yogi has passed the argumentative stage, and has come to a conclusion, which is like the rocks, immovable. The only thing he now seeks to do is to

08 June, 2009

Overcoming FEAR, the procedure


One who is afraid of walking in darkness should try to get rid of this defect by taking a light in the beginning and walking in the night, and slowly trying to walk without light also. Fear will vanish in course of time. Fear is a negative force. It

28 May, 2009

Methods of discipline


The person who is slave to physical comforts should gradually eliminate all that is superfluous and train himself to be content with bare necessities. Anyone who finds it difficult to overcome physical lethargy and rise early in the morning should

18 May, 2009

How to balance the heart and mind


You do your business with your mind, and service with your heart. In both cases, there is a third component - intuition. Never be in the business with heart. With family, be with the heart, don't use your mind there. Do both with the gut feeling!

18 May, 2009

Key to concentration


The practice of holding one subject is the key to concentration. Patanjali, the father of Yoga system, advocates this, and wherever we find its practical evidence, we find this method has been applied. It is one of the eternal principal in mental

13 May, 2009

Regain creativity


When you release your emotional turbulence, the internal noise that has been preoccupying your mind will become quiet and you will be able to hear the music once again. ~ Dr David Simon

07 May, 2009

The twin laws of life


by learning about your breathing, you will begin to understand your mind. ~Swami Rama

20 April, 2009

Are we learning or imitating


We imitate each other and think we are learning. we have not let our intuitive knowledge come forward and be useful in our daily lives ~ Swami Ram

14 April, 2009

Art of Living Courses in Lucknow, April-May 2011