The Divine is your only security

Q: Guruji, scriptures say that the divine is the only security. Insurance companies say that retirement plans are the only security. My wife says that our children will be our only security. I am a little confused. Where should I invest? Sri Sri

20 November, 2011


Once, this lady in America was telling that she has been married for 40 years and she has been living with the same husband. The other people present were wonder-struck at how she was living with the same man for 40 years. Then she said if you don’t

18 November, 2011

How do you know when you have found your Guru

Q: How do you know when you have found your Guru? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I have no idea how you will find that out. It’s the heart that tells you. You can’t think about it. It doesn’t happen by judgment. Just be relaxed.

18 November, 2011

Surya Namaskar

Q: Guruji, it takes effort to start sun salutation but then I start finding intoxication in it. Will you please describe the phenomenon behind? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, you should do sun salutation. A little effort is needed for a beginner and a

27 October, 2011

Anyone can get enlightened, anyone can meditate

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, YogShiromani

Q: Why swamis have beard and long hair? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: We do 100%, either we take everything off or keep everything. But it is no sign to get beard or long hair to get enlightened. Anyone can get enlightened, anyone can meditate. Outer

23 October, 2011

Is it love

Q: Whenever I see a good looking girl, I find myself in love. Is that love or infatuation? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well, time will tell you! First, find out whether they are in love with you or not. If that matches, it is a different story. If it

22 October, 2011

Q: How do I handle criticism?


  Q: How do I handle criticism? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When someone criticises you, they are taking a risk. Who wants to take the risk of making enemies! When they are doing that, you appreciate them. Stand up to criticism. Also have the

22 October, 2011

Honest and skillful communication

Q: What went wrong that so many people lack self-esteem and what can we do to lessen this effect? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: 'Yes!+' and 'Yes We Can' programs are good for that. We have 'Yes We Can' programme in Europe. 140 youths from all over Europe

21 October, 2011

It is better to take responsibility than go on a blame game

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Q: Should the student take the whole responsibility for not scoring good marks? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is better if he takes full responsibility. You could blame the teacher, the environment, the parents and everything else and finally you

21 October, 2011

How to get a thought or a desire manifested is very simple

Q: How to make someone dear to you understand that something is useful for them and they must go for it? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Keep pursuing gently and have patience, they will all understand. First you should have the conviction that this is good

21 October, 2011

Meera Bai bhajan by Vani Jairam, Bala mai vairagan houngee