Together, we can


Together we can help create a peaceful, just, sustainable, and healthy world.

14 June, 2010

Look fear in the face


Look fear in the face and it will cease to trouble you. ~ Sri Yukteshwar Giri (in Autobiography of a Yogi)

08 June, 2010

Who needs holistic health

swami rama

The basis of holistic health lies in understanding the purpose of life and learning how to achieve that purpose. ~ Swami Rama

04 June, 2010

The Law of karma


Whenever I make a choice, I will ask myself two questions: “What are the consequences of this choice that I’m making?”

19 May, 2010

The Law of Dharma


“Everyone has a purpose in life . . . a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all

15 May, 2010

The company of pure souls

Indian flag

I have come across many a great soul, many a heart overflowing with loving kindness, sitting at whose feet I used to feel a mighty current of strength coursing into my heart

05 May, 2010

How to know whether the person is enlightened.