Sri Haridas’s song, Ashtadash Sidhant, Verse 1

श्री कुंजविहारिणे नमः

॥राग विभास॥

ज्योंही ज्योंही तुम राखत हौं, त्योंही त्योंही रहियत है हो हरि।

और तौ अचरचे पाई धरौ, सो तौ कहो कौन के पैड़ भरि॥

यद्यपि कीयो चाहौ अपनो मन भायौ, सौ तौ क्यौं करि सकौ ज्यों तुम राख्यौ पकरि।

कहें श्रीहरिदास पिंजरा को जनावर ज्यौं, फड़फड़ाय रह्यौ उड़िवे कों कितो‍ऊ करि॥१॥

Sri Haridas says to Sri Banke Bihari, ‘Hari, I live according to your wishes just as a caged animal cannot escape, no matter how much he wants to flee.’ Haridas ji surrenders to the Lord, saying, ‘I carry out your will alone. I have no personal wish other than your will. Just as a caged animal is at the mercy of its master, I am at your mercy and can do nothing without your will. You are my master, Hari.’



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Sanskrit prayers sung by Lata Mangeshkar