Seeking my highest potential

guru - chela Mallard ducks

In spiritality, the role of a guru is to facilitate the disciple, the follower, the shishya to evolve and realise the full potential. A true guru is one who understands the pitfalls that the neonate might come across, and prempts solutions. S/he understands the shishya's abilities and weaknesses, and treats each one as an individual, or should treat each one as an individual.

Spirituality, though a vast subject, is still about connecting with one's highest potential and getting to know one's Creator, and then co-create :-)

This is yoga; becoming one with the Creator in this context. Yoga is about uniting with another to realize oneness. Bhakti yoga, Gyan yoga, Karma yoga, Hatha yoga, Kriya yoga, are only that many ways to do so... 

The guru is a person who may lead, because he has trod the path and knows it well enough to take on the role of a lamp; guru - one who removes darkness. A guru may be a person or the higher self within, the soul through its infinite journeys and incarnations knows it all. It is just waiting to let us into the secret, if we care to listen - through the act of meditation.

~ Anisha Sharma

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