Dietary and lifestyle tips for keeping the liver in balance

Papayas keep the liver healthy

Q: Dietary and lifestyle tips for keeping the liver in balance?
A: First, avoid toxins in your food. Eat organic, freshly cooked foods.

If you eat foods that are laced with preservatives and chemicals, or that are processed or leftover, you're just making your liver work overtime to filter out the toxins. Eventually that's going to tax the health of your liver.

Also avoid toxic foods such as alcohol (which is well-proven to be the cause of cirrhosis of the liver, but even in small doses should be strictly avoided by people of Pitta constitution). Stay away from cigarette smoke and air pollution and exposure to commercial household cleansers and other toxic substances. These are all taxing to the liver. In general, drink lots of water to flush out toxins, but be sure it is pure water.

One of the best ways to prevent liver imbalance is to keep Pitta dosha in balance. Eat a Pitta-pacifying diet in summer, favoring cooling foods such as sweet, bitter and astringent tastes. These include sweet, juicy fruits, summer squashes, cooked greens, sweet milk products, lassi, and grains. Avoid sour or fermented foods such as vinegar, pungent foods such as chilies, and salty foods. If you have a lot of Pitta in your basic constitution, then favor this diet all year round. Start the day with a stewed apple or pear, to set the metabolism and cleanse the liver. Just eating a sweet, juicy pear every day can go a long way to soothing Pitta dosha and cleansing the liver.

Q: Are there any lifestyle tips for helping the liver?

A: Yes. Be careful not to skip or delay meals, especially if you are trying to balance Pitta or have a sharp appetite. In the evening, retire early, well before 10:00, as you want to be sleeping before the Pitta time of evening starts (from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.). If you are awake during this time, you'll only increase Pitta dosha and prevent the liver from performing its necessary cleansing and resting functions during the night.

Also, lack of sleep has been shown to throw off metabolism of glucose, resulting in weight gain. It also has been linked to an increase in anger.

Both of these symptoms point to a liver imbalance caused by lack of sleep.

Avoid situations that cause conflict or anger. Avoid pressure situations on the job. Practice the Transcendental Meditation® program regularly to reduce mental ama, and to prevent stress and strain of daily life from taking its toll on your liver. After all, negative emotions create powerful hormones that flood your liver with toxins. If you take care of your liver, you will enjoy more energy, clearer skin and stronger immunity all through the year.


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