Meera Bai Bhajan – Sakhi ree mohe laage vrinavan neeko

आली री मोहे लागे वृन्दावन नीको

निर्मल नीर बहत यमुना को, भोजन दूध दही को,

सखी सी मोहे लागे वृन्दावन नीको 

आली री मोहे लागे वृन्दावन नीको

रतन सिंहासन आप विराजे, मुकुट धरे तुलसी को

आली री मोहे लागे वृन्दावन नीको

कुंजन कुंजन फिरत राधिका, शब्द सुनत मुरली को

आली री मोहे लागे वृन्दावन नीको

मीरा के प्रभु गिरधर नागर, भजन बिना नर फीको

आली री मोहे लागे वृन्दावन नीको

In this bhajan, Meera Bai sings and tells her friends that she loves Vrindavan. The clear waters of Yamuna flow through Vrindavan. There is an abundance of milk and ghee for food. Krishna is sitting on an ornate chair with a crown of tulsi (Holy Basil) leaves on his forehead. Radhika is going from one garden to another in search of Krishna. Meera says that there is no enjoyment in a human life like the one that is in devotion.

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