Why are people corrupt

Why are people so corrupt, why do they rob others? Because belongingness and intimacy has been lost and wherever belongingness or intimacy is absent, corruption grows. That is why it is necessary to cultivate a sense of intimacy. Unless the soul

30 October, 2011

Surya Namaskar

Q: Guruji, it takes effort to start sun salutation but then I start finding intoxication in it. Will you please describe the phenomenon behind? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, you should do sun salutation. A little effort is needed for a beginner and a

27 October, 2011

The love of one who is so centered

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar playing the Veena

Q: What is Divine Love? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is a love in which respect is not lost in spite of intense intimate love, the love of one who is so centered. The more you go near Krishna, the more you go near Buddha, the more you go near Jesus,

25 October, 2011

Anyone can get enlightened, anyone can meditate

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, YogShiromani

Q: Why swamis have beard and long hair? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: We do 100%, either we take everything off or keep everything. But it is no sign to get beard or long hair to get enlightened. Anyone can get enlightened, anyone can meditate. Outer

23 October, 2011

Faith and progress

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in a Chikan embroidery kurta from Lucknow

If you are grounded in faith, like the husk in the grain,you will progress. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

23 October, 2011

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar quotes

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Life is a mystery. It's beautiful. Live it. Living the mystery of life totally is joy. Becoming the mystery is divine ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

22 October, 2011

Why do I feel fearful when I watch a horror movie

Q: Why do I feel fearful when I watch a horror movie. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Stop watching it. The music and the whole episode is created for fear. So thank the creator of the serial.

22 October, 2011

Is it love

Q: Whenever I see a good looking girl, I find myself in love. Is that love or infatuation? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well, time will tell you! First, find out whether they are in love with you or not. If that matches, it is a different story. If it

22 October, 2011

    No wonder I felt I was wasting my time at school...