Sri Banke Bihari ke sawaiya, 28 of 144


बैठी हती गुरु लोगन में मन ते मनमोहन को न विसारति।

त्यों नन्दलाल जू आय गये बन ते सिर मोरन पंख संवारत॥

लाज ते पीठ दै बैठि बहू, पति मातु की आंख ते आंखिन टारति।

सासु की नैंन की पूतरी में निज प्रीतम को प्रतिबिम्ब निहारति॥

This sawaiya verse says:

A Gopi is sitting amidst family elders, and is thinking of Krishna. Just then Krishna arrives from the jungle, with a peacock feather tucked in his hair.

The Gopi feels shy and turns her back to Krishna, while looking into her mother-in-law’s eyes to catch his reflection there.

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