Sri Banke Bihari ji ke sawaiya, 12 of 144

एक सखी घर सो निकसी, मानो चंदहि देन चली उपमा सी ।
कोऊ कहै यह काहू की नगरि, कोऊ कहै यह काहू की दासी ॥
मारग बीच मिले नंदनंदन, दै दई कूक मचाय के हाँसी ।
घूँघट को पट खैंच लियो, तब दोज की हो गई पूरनमासी ॥

This sawaiya verse from Vrindavan says: A young lady came out of her home. She was dazzling like the moon. People wondered who she was? Nandnandan Krishna saw her pass and quickly upturned the veil from her face. The face that was earlier showing like a sliver of the new moon, was now fully visible, a gorgeous full moon…

More sawaiya verses…

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In gratefulness everything grows – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar