It is all You, a poem by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Oh Dear,

This creation is a celebration

Of Thy presence!

I see You in the leaves, in the petals,

In the stem and in the thorn,

And in the unseen roots.

It’s all You and You and You,

Nothing but You.

Whether the bark or the thorn

Or the roots are in the mud,

Your face is reflected,

Smiling and dancing and laughing and singing.

It’s all You. It’s all You. It’s all You.

In tears of joy, in tears of sorrow, alike,

You play, You dance, You sing,

And You celebrate.

It’s all You. It’s all You. It’s all You.

For, each glorifies the other.

Everything in this creation glorifies,

Everything else.

Clapping Your own hands together,

You rejoice in my presence.

It’s all You. It’s all You. It’s all You.


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ABIDING IN THE SELF - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar