Can marriages take place within the same Gotra?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Answers

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji: This time when I went to Haryana, I met some scientists who had done some good research which showcased how their genes were so good because they did not marry within the same Gotra. They demonstrated how maximum medals in sports were won by sportsmen from Haryana. So this is what the research said. Even in animal science this is followed. Also you should not marry siblings or close relatives. So from a scientific point of view this looks logical but then our Gotras are so ancient and have expanded so much that I don't think it is right to put too much weight on it. For instance if you are from the same Gotra but are from Haryana and Tamil Nadu, then it makes no sense to talk about Gotras then. But yes, if your from the same region then it is better to avoid marrying in the same Gotra.


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