Stages of struggle

Swami Paramananda

In every man’s life there come moments of weariness and struggle, when everything appears gloomy and hard. But know that no true character was ever formed without passing through these stages. So we must be brave and patient.

28 November, 2009

Sharp tongue


And, even if occasionally you happen to use the wrong expression, you should learn the art of smoothening the matter out at once. You should apologise to the man whom you had offended, talk to him sweetly, ask his pardon and pacify him. Gradually

22 November, 2009

Prayer can solve…


"Prayer can solve that which cannot be solved in any other way." ~ Swami Rama

12 November, 2009

Practice what you know

Swami Rama

"You really do not need to know many things, but you definitely need to practice what you know." ~ Swami Rama

11 November, 2009

These are all natural treatments for diabetes


These are all natural treatments for diabetes ‘This is Uddiyana Bandha. Pumping it quickly, it becomes Agnisara kriya. These two act as natural insulin. The pancreatic secretion is increased

08 November, 2009

That is Siva’s stern advice to one and all.


Put your heart and soul into any work you do: and when you have done it, detach yourself completely and identify yourself with the Atma who is Akarta, Abhokta, Sakshi—that is the golden advice he gives to all Sadhaks. These lessons are worth even

05 November, 2009

Wise men only strengthen the faith


Can they ever go near the Atman, the Eternal Sakshi? Only dull-witted people engage themselves in such missions. Wise men will only seek to strengthen the individual’s faith in his own religion.’

17 October, 2009

Neither want, nor give up


‘Neither want, nor give up—that must be the attitude of a Vedantin. He should not say: I have given up salt: I have given up sugar: no, not even: I have given up the world

08 October, 2009

The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

30 September, 2009

Convent of Jesus and Mary, Waverley, Dehradun calling alumni for a meet on 31st July 2010