Sing your song, live your life


Living passionately requires listening to the music within and hearing the music of the world, without being distracted by the noise. ~ Dr David Simon

07 May, 2009

Are we learning or imitating


We imitate each other and think we are learning. we have not let our intuitive knowledge come forward and be useful in our daily lives ~ Swami Ram

14 April, 2009

Connect to the Pure Awareness Within

Yoga is a timeless practice

Turn your attention to the silent witness within – your soul – and take time to commune with the intelligence in all living things. Listen to the crash of the ocean waves, see the smile of a loved one, or watch a beautiful sunrise. Established in

01 April, 2009

Faith and determination

God Rays Touch the Forest

Determination Faith and determination are two essential rungs on the ladder of enlightenment. Without them enlightenment can never be realized. Without faith we can attain some degree of intellectual knowledge, but only with faith can we see into

30 March, 2009

Do you get stressed


Each one of us has tremendous energy within us. One single cell can light up the entire city of Bangalore for 24 hours. ~ Sri Sri Ravishankar

30 March, 2009

Live anywhere in peace and happiness


Analyse yourself. All emotions are reflected in the body and mind. Envy and fear cause the face to pale, and love makes it glow. Learn to be calm and you will always be happy.

25 March, 2009

Do not waste…


Don’t keep your mind engaged in too many activities. Analyse what you get from them and see if they are really important. Don’t waste your time.

24 March, 2009

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